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  • Legislative leaders answer lightning round questions on top business issues

    Jan 9, 2023
    Each year, the Minnesota Chamber's Session Priorities event unofficially kicks off the legislative session. While it's a key way for the Chamber to share the business community's priorities, it's also a chance for legislative leaders to share priorities of their own. KSTP's Tom Hauser hosted a series of lightning round questions for the four legislative leaders: Speaker Melissa Hortman, House Minority Leader Lisa Demuth, Senate Majority Leader Kari Dziedzic and Senate Minority Leader Mark Johnson. Here are their answers:
  • How to access DEED's new small business loan and venture funding programs

    Jan 4, 2023
    As a part of the 2021 American Rescue Act (ARPA) Minnesota was awarded up to $97 million through the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI). The SSBCI program is made up of six programs designed to fill financing gaps and operate in conjunction with private lenders. The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) will receive the funds in three disbursements, with the first being approximately $29.5 million.
  • Statewide Policy Tour shapes agenda heading into 2023 session

    Jan 4, 2023
    The Minnesota Chamber hits the road twice each year for the Statewide Policy Tour to visit businesses and learn what policies at the Capitol impact their business. Ahead of the 2023 legislative session, the Chamber visited eight communities around the state to provide a preview of the upcoming session, and to listen to employers and employees on the issues that matter to them.

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