Minnsights Blog
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Business succession and transition mark key points in a business’ life and the owner’s life. While representing a new era, business succession and transition (BST) requires significant effort and change from everyone involved. BST planning can help ensure long-term, sustainable success and a smooth exit for the owner.
We have some exciting news to share. As noted in previous podcasts, the Chamber was engaged in litigation against the state, and we now have a permanent injunction with no appeal in our case. The deadline for the state's appeal, which was set by federal Judge Tostrud, has passed. This marks the conclusion of a two-year journey by the Chamber and our allies to protect the fundamental rights of businesses here in Minnesota.
Canada and Mexico have long been key markets for Minnesota businesses, and their importance to the state's economy has only grown in recent years. Since 2016, Minnesota trade has pivoted away from China and increasingly toward its North American partners, deepening supply chain integration across the continent, particularly in the state's manufacturing and natural resource sectors.
The Minnesota Chamber Foundation thrives with the support of dedicated volunteer leaders. Read below to learn more about these leaders who have a long history of serving Minnesota's business community.
While our focus here at the Chamber remains on legislative matters at the state capitol, I want to take time this week to lay out tariffs and trade and their impact on Minnesota’s economy.
Latest Articles (blog page)
Business succession and transition mark key points in a business’ life and the owner’s life. While representing a new era...
We have some exciting news to share. As noted in previous podcasts, the Chamber was engaged in litigation against the...
Canada and Mexico have long been key markets for Minnesota businesses, and their importance to the state's economy has only...
While our focus here at the Chamber remains on legislative matters at the state capitol, I want to take time...