Leading the business community
We believe there is strength in numbers. At the Minnesota Chamber, we build coalitions of various companies, organizations and industries to tackle specific issues facing the business community. From supporting the development of energy and transportation infrastructure, to addressing challenges for Minnesota manufacturers, to supporting immigration reforms, our coalitions ensure legislators hear a unified voice from the business community.

For more information on Minnesota Chamber coalitions, contact Jennifer Byers Vice President, Grassroots and Chamber Relations, at 651.292.4673 or

development and induced spending that benefits all Minnesotans.
The Transportation Advocacy Coalition (TAC) includes business and labor organizations that advocate for meaningful investment in Minnesota’s transportation network.

Minnesota Chamber Federation Partners
Legislators take notice when our 6,300 members speak in unison. Our advocacy is further bolstered by our 50-plus partners who are unified as the Minnesota Chamber Federation – local chambers of commerce that adopt and advocate for your top legislative priorities. With their support, we truly are the statewide voice of business.