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  • WSB's Opportunity+ fast tracks participants toward exciting careers

    Dec 1, 2023
    Recently, Whitney Harvey, Senior Director of Workforce Diversity and Inclusion of the Minnesota Chamber Foundation sat down with Laura Rescorla, Project Engineer with WSB, to discuss WSB's unique job training program, Opportunity+. The article marks the first in a series that highlights the incredible Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) work that Minnesota Chamber members do each and every day.
  • 2023 session outcomes: Workplace/staffing regulations

    Nov 15, 2023
    Lawmakers passed a new law that prohibits employers from meeting or communicating with their employees on public policy. The “captive audience” law stipulates that communications must be “wholly voluntary” and not be political or religious in nature. There is a federal preemption of these laws, and they have been litigated in other states. Minnesota’s law is effective on August 1, 2023.
  • What is business succession and transition planning?

    Nov 15, 2023
    Business succession and transition mark key points in a business’ life and the owner’s life. While representing a new era, business succession and transition (BST) requires significant effort and change from everyone involved. BST planning can help ensure long-term, sustainable success and a smooth exit for the owner.  
  • 2023 session outcomes: Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML)

    Nov 2, 2023
    This year, the Legislature passed the most sweeping paid leave mandates on business in state history. Despite more than 80% of Minnesota members offering leave to their employees, the state now mandates all employers to grant employees sick, safe and paid time off equaling nearly 40% of a work year.

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