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  • The Chamber's top legislative priorities of 2022

    Jan 31, 2022
    The Minnesota Chamber of Commerce has worked tirelessly throughout the COVID-19 pandemic to help the 6,300 businesses and half a million employees that we represent, so they can expand the economy and opportunities throughout the state. Minnesota’s employers, employees and communities are counting on lawmakers to accelerate economic growth in 2022.
  • 5 ways your business can save on energy

    Jan 25, 2022
    Energy efficient upgrades can have significant savings to a businesses’ operating costs in the long run, but the upfront purchase and installation cost is expensive. Fortunately, there are some financial programs available to help. See which one may be right for you below and call Energy Smart with any questions: 651.292.3917.
  • Why – and how – employers should embrace pay transparency

    Jan 12, 2022
    Businesses identify attracting and retaining talent among the greatest challenges. How do you know if you’re offering compensation and benefits that will compete for the best employees? Minnesota Chamber’s business services offer a benchmarking program through that gives you access to the largest, most comprehensive dataset to design competitive pay and benefits for your business. 
  • Key Issues: Immigration

    Jan 7, 2022
    Minnesota businesses value the contributions of immigrants to the state. Their roles as workers, entrepreneurs, consumer and a link to the world economy are increasingly important to the development and growth of the economy and communities throughout Minnesota. Demographics show that as the population ages and the economy grows, Minnesota will not have the numbers of people available to fill labor needs, and immigrants are a key solution to this challenge. 
  • Key Issues: Telecom

    Jan 7, 2022
    Strategic investments that encourage economic growth and recovery also reduce regulatory burdens and roadblocks to innovation.

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