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  • Business succession planning: 5 key resources

    Feb 21, 2022
    Research from the Minnesota Center for Employee Ownership (MNCEO) and Project Equity shows that roughly half of employer businesses in Minnesota have owners over the age of 55, reaching an age of likely ownership transition. Concerningly, however, an overwhelming majority of businesses (85%) do not have succession plans. 
  • Governor Walz on UI Trust Fund fix, legalized cannabis and more

    Feb 14, 2022
    Last week, the Minnesota Chamber kicked off the 2022 legislative session with the annual Session Priorities event. We laid out the business community’s top issues for the year and heard from leaders of the House and Senate what they hope to accomplish. Governor Tim Walz highlighted the program with an interview with KSTP's Tom Hauser. Topics ranged from a Chamber priority, a fix for the UI Trust Fund deficit, to legalizing sports betting and cannabis use to do with the $7.7 billion surplus. 

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