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2024 Leaders Lab participant profiles

Leaders Lab is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to engage Minnesota’s developing business leaders (approximately late 20s to 40). It will enhance your personal and professional growth, connect you with business leaders statewide, and provide understanding into what drives Minnesota’s economy and how policy affects the success of business in our state. To learn more about Leaders Lab, click here

Check back to this page as more of our wonderful 2024 Leaders Lab participants are profiled! 


Profiled on August 30

 What is your favorite thing made in Minnesota? 
SPAM, it's a worldwide classic. 

Where did you grow up and what was special about your town or home?     
 Outside of Lake Crystal, MN. I grew up on 12 acres surrounded by ag fields overlooking the Blue Earth River. Having that much isolation and space is something I didn't appreciate as much as I do now, living in a metro environment. My hometown was small enough to get around by bike, and everyone knew everyone. 

What piece of advice has most impacted you so far in your leadership journey?      
Someone succeeding doesn't reduce another's ability to succeed.

Tell us something super interesting about yourself.   
In college I conducted field research on coral reefs in the Bahamas, climate reconstruction from old growth trees in Colorado, and natural resource planning in the Three Gorges Dam region in China.


Profiled on August 29

Tell us a piece of good news that happened this past year. 
Our oldest son Jonathan started kindergarten last fall!              

What is your favorite thing made in Minnesota? 
 Honeycrisp Apples created at the University of Minnesota. A fall season staple and nightly snack for my 3 sons!

Where did you grow up and what was special about your town or home?     
My hometown of North Mankato, MN has small-town charm yet is close to big-city excitement (1.5-hour drive from Minneapolis/Saint Paul). We are nestled in the scenic Minnesota River Valley and the area has many lakes, ponds and rivers for outdoor adventures. I have the best memories of boating and fishing on the lakes with my family when I was growing up. Finally, I love the sense of belonging and community that I had in my hometown while attending a small private school grades K-13 (Loyola Catholic School). My husband (who is also from Mankato) treasure our hometown so much that we moved back here eight years ago!

What piece of advice has most impacted you so far in your leadership journey?      
Your work should bring you joy and fulfillment. You are your own best advocate. Trust your instincts and speak up for what you believe in. Be honest and authentic always. 

Tell us something super interesting about yourself.   
When I was young, I was actively involved in the Theatre Arts program at Minnesota State University, Mankato. I was cast in many plays and landed the lead roles of Mary Lennox in The Secret Garden, as well as Scout in To Kill A Mockingbird. I was also actively involved in theater at my high school. I am able to tap into some of my acting skills today in my role at Taylor Corp., where I am the talent in many corporate internal and external marketing videos.


Profiled on August 28

Tell us a piece of good news that happened this past year. 
Traveled to Iceland over the summer, turned 40 and celebrated with my family and friends!

What is your favorite thing made in Minnesota? 
Spending time at the cabin near Grand Marias, MN.

Where did you grow up and what was special about your town or home?     
Grew up at the very southern point of Maplewood, we had quite a lot of kids in the neighborhood at that time and it was a blast to always go out and play around in the various yards.

What piece of advice has most impacted you so far in your leadership journey?      
Listening to others and trying to understanding their perspective, leading by example and assisting your team when they need the support.

Tell us something super interesting about yourself.   
I love to visit new places, try new foods, experience new cultures and also spending time outside with my wife and three kids.


Profiled on August 27

Tell us a piece of good news that happened this past year. 
I was diagnosed cancer-free after having surgery to remove prostate cancer. 

What is your favorite thing made in Minnesota? 
Bundt pans by Nordic Ware

Where did you grow up and what was special about your town or home?     
I grew up in Waseca, MN. The town is known for two recreational lakes and it's printing industry. My family owned a printing company in the town until 2010 when they sold.  

What piece of advice has most impacted you so far in your leadership journey?      
One of my first managers told me, "The biggest communication problem is we don't listen to understand, we listen to reply."  Leading by listening first will build trust and loyalty. 

Tell us something super interesting about yourself.   
I lived in San Francisco for 15 years and played synthesizers in a band that toured occasionally. I'm also married to a astrophysicist.


Profiled on August 26

Tell us a piece of good news that happened this past year. 
Minnesota National Guards 133rd Airlift Wing was selected to receive 8 new C-130J Super Hercules aircraft as  part of the Air National Guard's C-130J Recapitalization and Basing program 

What is your favorite thing made in Minnesota? 
Post-it notes!   

Where did you grow up and what was special about your town or home?     
I grew up in Momence, Illinois. What made Momence special was the community comradery and support for each other. 

What piece of advice has most impacted you so far in your leadership journey?      
"Get to know your people."

Tell us something super interesting about yourself.   
In a previous role, I traveled the Midwest climbing 350'+ towers to replace commercial cellular antennas.   


Profiled on August 2

Tell us a piece of good news that happened this past year. 
Professionally, have been involved in the largest transportation project in MN (I 494) while also managing two significant interchange projects in Scott County. It has been a challenging year but I'm at a point where the work is seeing the light of day.            

Personally, three kids and my wife enjoyed a nice vacation in the Philippines earlier this year. It was a very memorable experience.

What is your favorite thing made in Minnesota? 
Aside from the roads we design and construct (jk), it's Victory Motorcycles (now Indian) which is now owned by Polaris. I used to have a cruiser but with kids, I had to put that on pause. I feel the urge getting one soon and an Indian motorcycle is in the top of the list. 

Where did you grow up and what was special about your town or home?     
I was born in the Philippines but grew up in Eagan, MN. I still live in the south metro (Lakeville). When I lived in Eagan, Lockheed used to be located near me but has moved out. Now, the Vikings facility attracts a lot of visitors.

What piece of advice has most impacted you so far in your leadership journey?      
Keep "sharpening the saw", always learn regardless of where you are in your career. 

Tell us something super interesting about yourself.   
I religiously go for a run (in a gym) early in the morning. I'm not a highly trained athlete, so it would be more of a walk/jog, but the routine gets me ready for the day.      


Profiled on July 26

Tell us a piece of good news that happened this past year. 
My second son, Frank was born on May 1, 2023.            

What is your favorite thing made in Minnesota? 
Summit EPA beer.

Where did you grow up and what was special about your town or home?     
I grew up on the north end of Lonsdale MN, on a family farm. Lonsdale is split by two school districts, so half the families went to one district and the other half went to another. It created a challenge because it was difficult to establish a sense of community. 

What piece of advice has most impacted you so far in your leadership journey?      
Lead by example. This varies from establishing work life balance, utilizing the benefits offered within CLA and investing in your team members. 

Tell us something super interesting about yourself.   
I am the youngest of five, two brothers and two sisters. My two brothers and I are all color blind.


Profiled on July 24

Tell us a piece of good news that happened this past year. 
I was able to travel to Europe for the first time, visiting both France, Netherlands and Portugal. Porto, Portugal was my favorite town I visited. The views were absolutely breathtaking, food and wine were amazing, and the people were wonderful.        

What is your favorite thing made in Minnesota? 
The honey crisp apple :)  

Where did you grow up and what was special about your town or home?     
I grew up about a half hour north of Minneapolis in Blaine, MN. Blaine is home to the national sports center, which contains a lot of soccer fields, hockey rinks and other recreational activities. I was lucky to have spent a lot of time there as a young person playing sports, having fun, and making friends. 

What piece of advice has most impacted you so far in your leadership journey?      
"No one is too important to grab a broom and sweep the floor" - When managing people, it is important to give them the tools they need to best perform their job. Sometimes resources are not available or other variables are making it difficult for a team to complete a task. As a leader, we should not be "too good" to get your hands dirty and help out when it's needed. Even though a small act, sometimes retrieving a tool, grabbing a ladder, or sweeping the floor can go a long way. 

Tell us something super interesting about yourself.   
 My first job out of college was a project manager at a salt mine 1600 ft below Lake Erie. My current job is at a commercial airline where I spend a lot of time in the sky. I went from far below the earth, to far above the earth.     


Profiled on July 23

Tell us a piece of good news that happened this past year. 
When I picked up my four year old daughter from preschool her teacher said that she went to sit with another young girl that was sitting alone at lunch so she would have a friend.               

What is your favorite thing made in Minnesota? 
Native American stone artifacts.

Where did you grow up and what was special about your town or home?     
New Prague MN, a close knit community that has a strong work ethic.

What piece of advice has most impacted you so far in your leadership journey?      
Be the leader that you never had.

Tell us something super interesting about yourself.   
Combat Veteran.


Profiled on July 22

Tell us a piece of good news that happened this past year. 
Personally in 2023 I had my first child!     

What is your favorite thing made in Minnesota? 
The Juicy Lucy!    

Where did you grow up and what was special about your town or home?     
Chanhassen, MN. Prince called Chanhassen home!    

What piece of advice has most impacted you so far in your leadership journey?      
The go giver mentality! Give first, but be open to receiving.

Tell us something super interesting about yourself.   
I lived in Tanzania, Africa for two years running five different safari lodges!  



Profiled on July 19

Tell us a piece of good news that happened this past year. 
I was promoted to Partner and my family took a once in a lifetime trip to Disney World.     

What is your favorite thing made in Minnesota? 
I enjoy smoking various meats raised locally in southern Minnesota. 

Where did you grow up and what was special about your town or home?     
On a hog farm south of Arlington, MN. Arlington is home to one of the few dirt race tracks in MN and has a pretty popular townball baseball field. 

What piece of advice has most impacted you so far in your leadership journey?      
Leaders lead and bosses drive. It's pretty cliche but I heard it first back in college and have heard it a few times since. As I've grown in my career, I try to always remember this and lead by example. I try to be authentic, honest, and genuine and put myself in a team member's shoes to think of what they'd want me to do. Throughout my leadership career, I've received positive feedback in regards to providing leadership and guidance to others. 

Tell us something super interesting about yourself.   
Married my high school sweetheart and have a 7 year old daughter and 5 year old son and both keep me very busy outside of the office.   



Profiled on July 18

Tell us a piece of good news that happened this past year. 
Personal great news is that I got married! On June 24th my husband Alex and I were married in Excelsior where we live, and it was such a fun day. Great news in Minnesota would be that we're getting a new state seal and flag! (there's only so many years they promise it'll change, and then it doesn't, so I am glad this is finally happening!).     

What is your favorite thing made in Minnesota? 
Hamms Beer. The beer industry is huge, and I love sharing that Hamms originated and is headquartered in St. Paul, MN. It will forever hold a certain nostalgia for me, as it was my alma mater's signature beer of choice (Go Gusties!), and we served it at our wedding. 

Where did you grow up and what was special about your town or home?     
I grew up in Bermuda until 2001, which was full of amazing memories and in case you were wondering where my name came from, Paget is one of the eight parishes on the island. But most of my greatest years of growth happened when we moved to Chanhassen when I was in middle school. I learned to drive, got my first job (shout out Maynards!), participated in many community volunteer opportunities, and had the best education at Minnetonka. 

What piece of advice has most impacted you so far in your leadership journey?      
You will never know until you ask: for that raise, for that promotion, for that professional development experience, for that networking meeting, or for someone to be your mentor. These things are vital to moving a career forward, but it won't happen unless you make it happen.

Tell us something super interesting about yourself.   
I would like to share the exact moment my passion for advocacy was born: In fifth grade, I was obsessed with strawberry milk, but my elementary school only had it about once a month. We were learning about petitions and voting in class, so I created a petition to get strawberry milk on the menu permanently. With 100 signatures, a proposal to Student Council, and a meeting with the principal, we got strawberry milk for lunch every Wednesday! And I think that's when my passion for advocacy, policy change and community organizing began :)



Profiled on July 15

Tell us a piece of good news that happened this past year. 
I was informed that I am being promoted which is amazing as I will get to learn new skills and will be able to help shape and grow my department.     

What is your favorite thing made in Minnesota? 
One of my favorite things made in Minnesota are Tonka Trucks as I loved playing with them as a child and now, I get see my son enjoy them as I did at his age.

Where did you grow up and what was special about your town or home?     
I grew up in Park Rapids, Minnesota which isn't a large town which was great as you would walk or big to any place you wanted to be. One of the coolest parts about Park Rapids was the river that runs through the town had an old train bridge that you could jump off of and swim under. This was a highlight for kids during summer. 

What piece of advice has most impacted you so far in your leadership journey?      
Control what you can.

Tell us something super interesting about yourself.   
I build and sell custom computers.



Profiled on July 12

Tell us a piece of good news that happened this past year. 
My mother graduated from MNDivX Luther Seminary and was became an Ordained Minister at a small Grygla, MN community church. She returned to college in 2021 at the age of 56 after working a full career within the medical field with a Bachelors degree in Nursing and a Masters in Business Administration.                   

What is your favorite thing made in Minnesota? 
My two children, Emery Grace and Cooper Thomas.

Where did you grow up and what was special about your town or home?     
Roseau, MN. Small town that was safe and secure with opportunity for youth to grow and explore. It was a great place to raise a family.

What piece of advice has most impacted you so far in your leadership journey?      
1.) The value of servant leadership cannot be measured. 2.) True humility is when you can accomplish something great, and not feel like your name needs to be on it.

Tell us something super interesting about yourself.   
I am a dual citizen of the US and Canada.



Profiled on July 11

Tell us a piece of good news that happened this past year. 
My brother got married and my sister-in-law is expecting this summer, so I get to be an uncle to another niece or nephew!                     

What is your favorite thing made in Minnesota? 
Top the Tater and Old Dutch potato chips. I still have fond memories of going to my grandparents' house and snacking on this every chance I got!

Where did you grow up and what was special about your town or home?     
I grew up in Cloquet, MN and it was special because there was always something to do. We were known for our paper mill, Potlatch at the time, but now it is called Sappi, and we are known for having three NHL hockey players: Jamie Langenbrunner, Derek Plante, and Corey Millen were born in Cloquet. Still today we have the only gas station designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in America, the R.W. Lindholm Service Station. With the large number of lakes and rivers this was always a great place to get away and fish, swim, boat, or just float and enjoy one of our amazing Minnesota summers!

What piece of advice has most impacted you so far in your leadership journey?      
"Every day is an interview."

Tell us something super interesting about yourself.   
I have helped coach our varsity boys' and girls' tennis teams in Cloquet for the past eight years and I hope to for many years to come.



Profiled on July 8

Tell us a piece of good news that happened this past year. 
I tore a tendon in my ankle free from the bone early in the year while training mixed martial arts. I put surgery on hold for a couple months as I was the head of a manufacturing plant we were close to finishing the merger of into one of Frandsen Corporations companies, Plastech. Once that was complete, I was able to take enough time off to get the surgery and make a full recovery! It sure feels good to be able to run again.                          

What is your favorite thing made in Minnesota? 
P20FBRED - This is one is a little selfish of me. the P20 (20-quart flatback bucket) is one of the flagship products for Miller Manufacturing. Through my career this product has always been close to what I've been doing and is almost a metaphorical cornerstone to my career. Be it in purchasing resins to make it, scheduling operations to produce it, working on the mold in the tool room, Learning to process the plastic, and logistically moving thousands across the country. Through this part I have learnt so much about Minnesota manufacturing both at my own company and at others. It will always have a special place in my heart.

Where did you grow up and what was special about your town or home?     
I grew up in Orange County, CA. Specifically, Irvine. To be honest, I don't find there to be too much special about the town. Other than the lifelong friends I made there, It's a commercialized, overpriced and overpopulated town. It's not the reality of the American lifestyle. There's a reason I left for Minnesota and don't plan on going back. I will say, I do miss the weather something, though. 

What piece of advice has most impacted you so far in your leadership journey?      
You don't need to know the most of any one thing. You just need to know enough to smell a rat.

Tell us something super interesting about yourself.   
Backpacking enthusiast. Spent seven days in Denali national park backpacking, camping and packrafting though the Alaskan backcountry. I'm always in search of the next adventure.



Profiled on July 3

Tell us a piece of good news that happened this past year. 
My wife and I were excited to welcome our first child Amelia this January! We are truly blessed to have our bundle of joy and hope one day to learn what sleep is again.                   

What is your favorite thing made in Minnesota? 
The Honeycrisp apple. By far the best apple, it was developed at the University of Minnesota and highlights the state's agricultural ingenuity and ability to benefit from public/private partnerships.

Where did you grow up and what was special about your town or home?    
I grew up in Eden Prairie when it was still a prairie. The city nearly tripled in size from when I was born until I graduated high school, and it was impressive to see the population growth and economic development.

What piece of advice has most impacted you so far in your leadership journey?      
Keep your mind open and learn to feel comfortable feeling uncomfortable.

Tell us something super interesting about yourself.   
I attended the University of Minnesota and double majored in European history and political science. I participated in three study abroad programs, which were in France, Germany and Mexico. Both the programs in France and Germany focused on European history and how historical events shaped their society, national identity, and current political outlook. It was an amazing opportunity to learn about their history while immersed in their country and communicating with a broad spectrum of local voices. My study abroad in Mexico was focused on language and I lived with a Mexican family outside of Mexico City. It was an incredibly enriching experience that gave me tremendous respect and understanding of the Mexican people. These unique opportunities gave me significant insight into diverse cultures and political affairs, which became a key motivator to my desire to have a career in public policy.



Profiled on July 2

Tell us a piece of good news that happened this past year. 
I travelled to Europe for the first time! I spent a week exploring the beautiful island of Ireland. Learning their history, culture and folklore was fascinating.              

What is your favorite thing made in Minnesota? 
Local beer! I love Minnesota's local brewery scene. One of my favorite brews is LiftBridge Farm Girl. It's an easy crowd pleaser any time of year.

Where did you grow up and what was special about your town or home?    
I grew up in West St. Paul, MN. I loved being in a city just on the cusp of our state's Capitol. West St. Paul is very community-oriented. Growing up, I loved partaking in city festivals and parades. I would often represent my school pride at events by dancing with my teammates at community events.

What piece of advice has most impacted you so far in your leadership journey?      
The most valuable piece of advice received in my career was "Be ready for them to say 'yes.'" In business, when in a sales presentation or business negotiation, it is easy to concern yourself with being told no. However, shifting my mindset to receive a "yes" prepares me to ask for exactly what I want, set reasonable expectations, and not leave anything on the table.

Tell us something super interesting about yourself.   
As a hobby, I perform in musical theater with local community theaters. I enjoy singing and am a tap dancer. There's something really special about joining together with groups of like-minded people with a shared goal in mind; creating a production we're proud of.



Profiled on July 1

Tell us a piece of good news that happened this past year. 
This last year I took an amazing trip to Denver with a big group of friends. We were able to hike in the mountains, do some whitewater rafting, see a show at Redrocks, and experience the city of Denver. I love going to a new city and exploring how each city has its own culture. 

What is your favorite thing made in Minnesota? 
I am a sucker for a Pronto Pup at the State Fair :) I am always impressed with Minnesota's skilled labor. We have such a strong manufacturing community and I have gotten the opportunity to work with our medical device manufacturers specifically. I am grateful that I get the opportunity to work with such skilled individuals.  

Where did you grow up and what was special about your town or home?    
We bounced around a little, but I spent most of my youth in Duluth. I loved living by the lake. The boardwalk, the bridge, and the endless supply of parks and hiking spots make that area special to me.

What piece of advice has most impacted you so far in your leadership journey?      
"You see it, you own it". This is something that our leadership team preaches, and has helped push me to learn and grow. It empowers me not to push something off as "not my job" and force myself to learn something new. I think this has turned me into a well-rounded leader.

Tell us something super interesting about yourself.   
I love a project. Since buying our home in 2018, we have remodeled just about every square inch of it. My wife and I love making a vision of what a space could be, and then learning the skills needed to make that vision a reality.



Profiled on June 25

Tell us a piece of good news that happened this past year. 
Personal - my wife and I fully took advantage of the short Minnesota summer by taking the kids camping across the entire state for several trips.  Professional - (1) was able to send 3 leaders in my organization through the Dale Carnegie Course (2) attend their graduation ceremonies & (3) watch them grow as people & leaders because of it.

What is your favorite thing made in Minnesota? 
Bongards cheese block is my favorite dip of choice for a good party. A close second would be an ice-cold Summit EPA at a Twins game.

Where did you grow up and what was special about your town or home?    
Redwood Falls, MN. It had the spirit of what all rural small town Minnesota communities had - sense of community, strength of perseverance, love for your neighbor, etc. What we were more known for at a state level is (1) home of the MN inventors congress (which inspires kids creativity) & (2) Farmfest (national tradeshow for agricultural industry).

What piece of advice has most impacted you so far in your leadership journey?      
Where do you start? So many - it's impossible to pick just one. Here are some of my favorite quotes:   
- Leaders who don't listen will eventually be surrounded by people who have nothing to say.   
- There is a direct correlation between positive energy and positive results. 
 - Work harder at yourself than you do your job.   
- The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood.   
- Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.  

Tell us something super interesting about yourself.   
Ever since I have been 18 years old - I have never just had one job. I have had at least two but sometimes three jobs at any time. In other words - I like to work! When you love what you do - it's not's just fun!



Profiled on June 24

Tell us a piece of good news that happened this past year. 
After some post-college exploration in other cities, a number of my good friends are moving back to Minnesota in 2024. That is great for my personally, but also the state as a whole.  

What is your favorite thing made in Minnesota? 
Harkening back to my hometown, I have to say Duluth Packs! My Duluth Pack backpack is over a decade old and has seen me through high school, college and now my career. I love having my Duluth Pack, because people are constantly recognizing it and it is a great conversation starter. Plus, the brand is reliable, beautifully made and well worth the investment.

Where did you grow up and what was special about your town or home?    
I grew up in Duluth, MN! Duluth is special in so many ways. The outdoor culture is awesome. Despite how cold it is, Duluthians and those from neighboring communities still hit the slopes and trails. The neighborhoods are diverse, where no home looks the same and each has a fun secret; a hidden trail, a creek, etc. Lastly, the business community and diverse and spans across the city's large footprint. You can really find anything you could need in Duluth. Plus, I get huge bonus points from fellow Minnesotans when I say I am from there - which feels pretty great!

What piece of advice has most impacted you so far in your leadership journey?      
Lean into your intuition; it is almost always right! And if it isn't, you will learn, and that is OK, too.

Tell us something super interesting about yourself.  
I have a sub-set of synesthesia, in which I assign numerical values to letters. It is a little odd but a fun party trick. It is something I have done subconsciously since I was about 8 or 9 years old. Go ahead, ask me what number your name is, and I will geek out (and probably weird you out)!



Profiled on June 21

Tell us a piece of good news that happened this past year. 
After a big R&D project, we will be launching a new product in March of 2024. We believe it will be a staple product of ours. The mold should be arriving soon!         

What is your favorite thing made in Minnesota? 
C&A snowmobile skis of course! Other than that, Arctic Cat and Polaris products!  

Where did you grow up and what was special about your town or home?   
I grew up in Raymond, MN and now live in Henning, MN. Raymond is not far out of Willmar, but had that small town feeling and great people. Henning is far enough away from the bigger cities, so we have a little bit of everything that you need all in a town of under 1,000. It also sits nearby tons of lakes, so summer time is very hard to beat!

What piece of advice has most impacted you so far in your leadership journey?     
Combine your passion with your work. If you chase your passions with work, the feeling of a "job" is not there. The fulfillment you receive will align with your own purpose in life. 

Tell us something super interesting about yourself.  
I actually have two degrees in the agricultural field! Ag Business and Ag Systems from the U of M. I am continuing my small family farm and love it. I was an "Ag Kid" that worked for different services and had a passion for snowmobiling on the side, and now I work in snowmobiling and farm on the side!




Profiled on June 20

Tell us a piece of good news that happened this past year. 
On Friday, March 17, 2023, Governor Walz signed the Free School Meals bill into law." One of my favorite pieces of good Minnesota news! What a win for the use of our tax dollars to benefit children of Minnesota.     

What is your favorite thing made in Minnesota? 
Chai Tea Latte with almond milk from Caribou Coffee or Earl's Old Fashioned Cheese Puffs.

Where did you grow up and what was special about your town or home?  
I grew up in Baudette, Minnesota, the "Walleye Capital of the World." Baudette is located in Lake of the Woods county which borders Canada and is home to the Northwest Angle - the northern most point in the contiguous United States. 

What piece of advice has most impacted you so far in your leadership journey?     
You can do anything for a short period of time: That piece of advice is what propels me forward when saying "YES" to opportunities quite often. Even if it's scary, overwhelming, hard, uncomfortable - you can do it for a short period of time and figure it out or pivot. So take the leap of faith and learn so much from the opportunity that you partook in. (A chemistry teacher at Northland Community College in EGF told this to me as I was contemplating taking a very large credit load so that I could wrap up faster and move into my major quicker. It has applied in SO many situations as I've navigated the last 15 years, well beyond the classroom.)  

Tell us something super interesting about yourself.  
I currently work in HR at a private company, DigiKey. But this is my second career - I initially went to school for Radiologic Technology at Mayo School of Health Sciences and worked in that profession for several years before going back to school and jumping into the leadership development side of things. So fun to have such a varied background (I can help with employee relations issues and take an X-ray and facilitate a training in the workforce 'classroom' and administer CPR).


leaders lab

Profiled on June 19

Tell us a piece of good news that happened this past year. 
My son had the opportunity to sing as a member of the Minnesota Boy Choir with the Minnesota Orchestra for three sold out shows representing 6,000 attendees during the "Home Alone" concert series.     

What is your favorite thing made in Minnesota? 
All of the hiking trails and outdoor landscape and the fantastic locally brewed beers. 

Where did you grow up and what was special about your town or home?  
I was born in Teaneck, New Jersey but grew up in Flat River, Missouri. My home town was built around one of the largest lead mines in the world and was a great small town to grow up in. As a young child there were great places to play outside adjacent to the mines, rivers, woods, etc. where you could let your imagination run wild.

What piece of advice has most impacted you so far in your leadership journey?      
Surround yourself with people that are more experienced or intelligent than yourself. Absorb as much knowledge as you can and allow yourself to go along for the ride.

Tell us something super interesting about yourself.  
I met my father for the first time in January 2018. I found his address, booked a flight, and dropped in on him at 82 years of age.



Profiled on June 14

Tell us a piece of good news that happened this past year. 
This past year has been full of challenges, but also of opportunities. I am happy to share with you some of the highlights of my year, both on a professional and a personal level. Professionally, I was promoted into my current role as Director of Government Relations at Blue Cross, which is a leadership role where I can lead the company's public policies at the Capitol. I am grateful for the trust and support of my colleagues and managers, and I look forward to working with them to advance our mission of providing quality and affordable health care to our members and communities. On a personal note, I traveled to India for the first time to attend a friend's wedding and spent two weeks traveling the country, exploring a different culture. I was amazed by the diversity and richness of India, from its history and architecture to its cuisine and spirituality. I made new friends, learned new things, and had unforgettable experiences. It was a trip of a lifetime for sure.     

What is your favorite thing made in Minnesota? 
It has to be Red Wing Boots!

Where did you grow up and what was special about your town or home?  
I grew up in Bloomington, Minnesota. What's special about my hometown? It has to be the Mall of America!

What piece of advice has most impacted you so far in your leadership journey?      
I follow Warren Buffett's "5 25" rule which recommends people to list out their top 25 career goals, pick the top 5, and avoid the rest until the top 5 are achieved.  

Tell us something super interesting about yourself.  
I love exploring nature and learning new things. Last year, I had an amazing experience of hiking and sea kayaking in Alaska, where I saw glaciers, bears, and whales. I have a goal of visiting a different national park each year and discovering their beauty and diversity.



Profiled on June 13

Tell us a piece of good news that happened this past year. 
Professionally, our company was able to impact over 1250 Mission Lives in 2023; and 60% of our workforce are people with disabilities. Personally, all of my children now have drivers licenses! I have more time to myself now.

What is your favorite thing made in Minnesota? 
After doing a little research, I think it's Salted Nut Rolls!

Where did you grow up and what was special about your town or home? 
I grew up on a farm near Lafayette, MN. It was a tiny town where everyone knew everyone. 

What piece of advice has most impacted you so far in your leadership journey?     
Really understand the concept of teamwork and how important your team is to my success.

Tell us something super interesting about yourself.  
I was a farm girl. Wish I still was sometimes.



Profiled on June 6

Tell us a piece of good news that happened this past year. 
My husband and I were able to build our forever home on seven acres!

What is your favorite thing made in Minnesota?     
Not a product but my favorite thing made in Minnesota is the beautiful four seasons we get to experience and the amazing northern Minnesota outdoors! We are an outdoor family and do many outdoor activities throughout all seasons and love that we live in a state that allows for that!

Where did you grow up and what was special about your town or home? 
I grew up in Cannon Falls, MN and it is a small town where everyone knows everyone and everyone lends a hand to help a neighbor out. 
What piece of advice has most impacted you so far in your leadership journey?     
One thing that has always stuck with me is the right people in the right places. We all have so many great talents and it is important to recognize those talents a person has and help them find the right fit for them to succeed.

Tell us something super interesting about yourself. 
My first job as a teenager was working in a corn field pollinating corn in the summer.


leaders lab

Profiled on June 4

Tell us a piece of good news that happened this past year. 
I took my first trip to Europe with some amazing friends.

What is your favorite thing made in Minnesota?     
Cabins, Boats, and golf courses.

Where did you grow up and what was special about your town or home?     
St. Louis, MO. The people, food, architecture, cohesiveness of society, and the hunting.     

What piece of advice has most impacted you so far in your leadership journey?     
Everyone I meet is an opportunity. No matter if that comes on the same day, week, year, or lifetime. Everyone can impact your life when you least expect it.

Tell us something super interesting about yourself.     
I aim to see two new cities each year, whether alone or with friends.  

Introducing the 2024 Leaders Lab class!

Tyler Petzel, Abdo 
Clay Altepeter, American Crystal Sugar Company 
Mike Karbo, American Petroleum Institute 
Evan Schoenecker, Ames Construction 
Becca Frericks, Bell Bank 
Seamus Dolan, Blue Cross Blue Shield MN 
Andrew Sybilrud, Bremer Bank 
Ryan Greenwaldt, C&A Pro Skis 
Nate Bauer, Christensen Farms 
Nick Simon, CliftonLarsonAllen 
Teresa Fay, DigiKey 
Sam Johnson, Gardner Builders 
Seth Stevenson, Gassen Company Inc. 
Samantha Hanson, Giant Voices 
Natalie Peikrishvili, Granite Partners 
Scott Jensen, Granterion 3PL solutions 
Brian Bjorgum, Grey Search + Strategy 
Michael Roane, Holmes Murphy & Associates 
Jaime Nelson, Infinity from Marvin 
Colin Benecke, Insperity 
Jessie Stone, Irish Titan LLC 
Alexander Knox, Miller Manufacturing 
Patrick Deal, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce 
Melissa Dezelske, Minnesota Diversified Industries (MDI) 
Nick Lind, Minnesota Power / ALLETE 
Cory Wood, Nardini Fire Equipment, A Pye-Barker Fire & Safety Company 
Amy Bergerud, Niron Magnetics 
Jill Kammerer, OneDigital 
Martha Koehl, Riverview, LLP 
Ashley Butcher, SFM Mutual Insurance Co 
Tyler Parks, SJE Inc. 
Amanda Schwengler, Sun Country Airlines 
Jenna Worrell, Taylor Corporation 
Brooke Graham, Van Meter 
Chris Larson, Vertex Group 
Bryan Ethridge, Wells Fargo Bank 
DJ Sosa, WSB, LLC 
Paget Pengelly, Xcel Energy