Minnsights Blog
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Our goal is to ensure competitively priced reliable power and fuel for Minnesotans
Our goal is to accelerate private sector workforce efforts to help employers attract and retain the skilled workers they need to compete.
To ensure we have the system we need, our goal on behalf of the business community is to secure sustained and strategic investments in our state’s infrastructure.
Support sensible regulations that will allow Minnesota to maintain a clean environment and healthy business climate to foster economic growth.
Health insurance is an increasingly important benefit, allowing employers to attract and retain talent in the marketplace and ensure their employees stay healthy and productive at work. And yet employers – especially small employers – are struggling with the high cost of health insurance. At the Chamber, one of our top priorities is to ensure quality health care is affordable and accessible to all Minnesotans while enhancing the ability of employers to provide coverage to their employees
Latest Articles (blog page)
Canada and Mexico have long been key markets for Minnesota businesses, and their importance to the state's economy has only...
While our focus here at the Chamber remains on legislative matters at the state capitol, I want to take time...
The data is staggering: 94% of Minnesota’s net population growth this decade has come from immigration. This is somewhat unprecedented...
Last week, we convened a bipartisan group of legislative leaders and coalition members from labor, agriculture and business to introduce...