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Organizations Waste Less With Waste Wise

Cut waste, cut costs

Every business creates waste - so why not Waste Wise?
Waste Wise sustainability specialists offer free assistance in identifying and implementing simple
waste reduction projects at businesses and nonprofits in Anoka, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, and Washington counties. 

  • Waste bill analysis
  • County grant funding for recycling infrastructure    
  • Organics recycling program implementation
  • Employee education
  • County multiunit grant program

Waste Wise worked with
1,202 organizations in 2023 and prevented
2,521,916 lbs. of material from going to the landfill.


main floral

A growth industry

Main Floral, a flower and gift shop in downtown Anoka, added an organic recycling program. They are now diverting 1,100 pounds of flowers, stems, and leaves from the landfill. This is a 50% decrease in their trash!


sound bins

Prepared to recycle

The property manager at The Sound on 76th wanted to equip the residents with the tools and info to recycle correctly. Waste Wise provided informational brochures, guides, magnets, and reusable recycling bags for each unit. Recycling contamination has now decreased. 



Any and all proceeds directed by Minnesota Waste Wise Foundation are restricted to the sole and intended purpose of managing and implementing Waste Wise and Energy Smart, two programs of the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce.