Pooled employer retirement plans

Looking to offer a retirement plan for your employees?
Offering your employees benefits makes you competitive. But benefits can be expensive. The Minnesota Chamber and Securian Financial formed a strategic alliance to offer high-quality, affordable solutions to help you compete. Pooled Employer Plans (PEPs) are retirement plans that bring down cost by allowing multiple employers to participate. These plans help streamline administration and allow for better investment access for smaller businesses that was previously only achievable for large-scale employers.
More time to focus on business needs
Assurance that fiduciary responsibilities are met and the plan is compliant
Protection of plan assets
Economies of scale allow for better pricing and investment access
Single 5500 and audit for all adopting employers saving you time and money
Access to financial investment expertise for your employees
Does this describe you?
Stretched resources with a need to offload work
Less appetite for risk with desire to outsource responsibilities and limit liability
Smaller to midsized employers seeking comprehensive services
Limited retirement plan knowledge or experience