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Workforce solutions: Timely resources to help your business

Tangible tools to help your business solve workforce issues

Businesses across Minnesota – and the nation – are experiencing a workforce shortage unlike they’ve experienced before. It’s a complicated combination of economic forces, with no easy solution. But the Minnesota Chamber Foundation has compiled some tangible resources for employers.


Are you looking for information on? 

Training grants
Workforce grants and incentives
Finding, attracting and retaining employees
Finding, attracting and retaining employees
New pools of talent
New pools of talent
Creating diverse and inclusive workplaces
Creating diverse and inclusive workplaces
Local talent networks
Local talent networks
Other resources
Other resources

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Workforce grants and incentives

Grants and financial incentives are available for hiring, training new and existing employees, offering internships, and expanding your business. These funds are often are promoted by local workforce boards, economic development agencies, and others. Read the details below to see if your business qualifies.


Job Creation Fund
Provides financial incentives to new and expanding businesses that meet certain job creation and capital investment targets.


Partnership Program
Grants focused on providing training for both new and existing employees of participating businesses throughout the state. Must partner with an accredited Minnesota educational institution.


Job Training Incentive Program
Provides grants to new or expanding businesses located in Greater Minnesota for the purposes of training workers as quickly and efficiently as possible.



Work Opportunity Tax Credit
The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a federal tax credit available to all businesses as an incentive to hire workers in certain groups.


Low Income Worker Training Program
Provides grants of up to $200,000 to public, private, or nonprofit entities to help low-income people gain new skills necessary move up the career ladder to higher paying jobs and greater economic self-sufficiency.




Greater Minnesota Job Expansion Program
Sales tax refunds for 7 years to existing businesses expanding in Greater Minnesota.



Pathways to Prosperity (P2P) Competitive Grant
The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) provides workforce development and training opportunities for economically disadvantaged adults through the Pathways to Prosperity (P2P) grant program.


Automation Training Incentive Program
Provides grants to small businesses for the purpose of training existing workers on new automation technology.



SciTech Internship Program
Minnesota Technology Association
SciTech connects small Minnesota companies offering paid internships to college students pursuing STEM majors. Employers receive a 50% wage match worth up to $2,500.



Minnesota Dual Training Pipeline
Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry 
Pipeline exists to support employers in creating or enhancing a competency based dual-training approach where workers receive a combination of related instruction strategically paired with on-the-job training. Dual-training grants through the Minnesota Office of Higher Education provide funding for employers to create new and expand existing dual-training initiatives.



Apprenticeship grants
Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry 
Funding to support career exploration programs that will introduce youth to careers through registered apprenticeship.


Youth Skills Training grants
Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry 
Grant funds can be used for marketing, recruitment, training, transportation, student certifications and personnel to manage a program. Grants cannot be used to pay student wages.



Duluth Workforce Development On-The-Job Training Program
City of Duluth
Up to 50% reimbursement of the wage rate of an employee through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act to offset training costs.


NEMOJT Talent Development Program (TDP)
Northeast Minnesota Office of Job Training
Includes financial help for businesses with special requirements. 7(a) loans have a maximum loan amount of $5 million.



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Finding, attracting and retaining employees

Local CareerForce offices, regional workforce boards, employment services providers 


Local CareerForce offices
CareerForce helps employees with career development, but more importantly for employers, their offices across the state are charged with matching job seekers to available jobs. Your local CareerForce office can help your business develop an employee retention plan and connect you with employees from hidden pools of talent, including veterans, people with disabilities, youth, seasonal workers and the previously incarcerated. 

Regional workforce boards
Your community has specific workforce challenges and specific needs. Each community in the state has workforce boards to provide local input and direction to develop workforce in these areas. These boards are 51% employer-led, and receive significant federal dollars. Developing a relationship with your local workforce board may be helpful to advancing tailored workforce solutions.

Employment service providers
There’s a wide range of employment service providers across Minnesota. This network provides varying levels of workforce development assistance often aimed at specific populations. 


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New pools of talent 

On-demand webinars 


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Creating diverse and inclusive workplaces

The Minnesota Chamber Foundation understands that inclusive workplaces are essential to build and welcome our future workforce. The Minnesota business community plays an important role in advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) statewide, and our goal is to connect you with resources and support you in doing so. If you would like one-on-one assistance to help with your business’s diversity, equity, and inclusion strategy, please contact Whitney Harvey, our Sr. Director of Workforce Diversity and Inclusion at

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Local talent networks 

Business Education Network | Business Education Network five-year report


Business Education Network (BEN)

We work with local chambers of commerce in communities throughout the state to find workforce solutions. The Business Education Network, for example, is a private-sector-led initiative that builds networks in local communities among chambers, businesses, educators, schools and students to build sustainable, nimble pathways to local careers and higher education opportunities.  

Local Business Education Network partners include: 

Brainerd Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce
Burnsville Chamber of Commerce 
Eden Prairie Chamber of Commerce
Faribault Area Chamber of Commerce
Fergus Falls Area Chamber of Commerce
Greater Mankato Growth
Lakeville Area Chamber of Commerce 
Marshall Area Chamber of Commerce
MetroNorth Chamber of Commerce
Minneapolis Regional Chamber
New Ulm Chamber of Commerce
Owatonna Area Chamber of Commerce
Princeton Chamber of Commerce
Redwood Area Chamber of Commerce
River Heights Chamber of Commerce
Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce
Shakopee Area Chamber of Commerce
St. Cloud Area Chamber of Commerce
Twin Cities North Chamber of Commerce
Waconia Chamber of Commerce
White Bear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce
Willmar Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce
Winona Chamber of Commerce 

Business Education Network: Five years of transforming tomorrow's workforce



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Other resources

A variety of other helpful resources such as national and state-specific job boards, data to help you understand the shifting landscape of the worker shortage, and details on labor regulation in Minnesota. 


Data for businesses


Regional wage and demand data


Labor Research Resources
U.S. Department of Labor



Employment projections 
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics


Minnesota State


Center for Economic Research 
Minnesota Chamber of Commerce



Workforce data
RealTime Talent


College and School District Partnerships
Minnesota State



Connecting moms with meaningful, flexible work
Bus Stop Mamas



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