Biography Details

Jennifer Byers
Jennifer is responsible for directing the Minnesota Chamber’s grassroots outreach, candidate recruitment efforts and supporting local chambers of commerce across the state. She manages the Minnesota Manufacturers Coalition, and is engaged in a wide variety of issue advocacy coalitions. She also directs the activities of the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce Executives (MCCE), the professional association for local chambers and enjoys many days on the road with members, local chambers and volunteer business leaders across Minnesota.
Jennifer is an alumni of the University of Minnesota, with a degree in communications. She is also a graduate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Institute for Organization Management. A long career in the chamber profession includes a staff position with the TwinWest Chamber of Commerce and the president of the Stillwater Chamber before joining the Minnesota Chamber in 1991.
She serves on the board of directors for the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce Executives; the Mid-America Chamber Executives; and Jobs for Minnesotans. Outside of Jennifer’s professional career, she plays a leadership role with the Lakeville South Hockey and Lakeville South Lacrosse booster organizations. She and her husband Rich are parents to three teenage boys.