2021 Key Issues: Workforce development
Accelerate private-sector workforce efforts to help employers attract and retain the skilled workers they need to compete.
Minnesota’s highly-skilled, talented and reliable workforce has been a competitive economic strength for generation. Employers need these workers as the economy recovers from the COVID-19-related downturn. And the pandemic offers and important – perhaps unprecedented – opportunity to discuss the future needs of workforce development.
New Vision Foundation is working to educate and train the next generation of highly skilled workers.
The Chamber’s priorities for the 2021 session include:
- Address immediate child care capacity needs.
- Increase access to and funding for early care and education programs.
- Support evidence-based reforms to improve student outcomes and close the achievement gap.
- Maximize the ability of schools to bring students safely back to campus for in-person, full-time instruction
- Ensure strong academic standards and accountability.
- Reorient workforce development programs toward the immediate needs of a post-COVID-19 crisis response.
- Promote future-ready options for high school students.
- Strengthen Minnesota State Grant Program.
- Promote and accelerate private-sector efforts to connect students, employers and education systems.

Make your voice heard
Make sure you're signed up for action alerts, join a policy committee or interact with legislators during Chamber Week at the Capitol during the first week of March. It's important for legislators to know how their actions impact employers, employees and Minnesota's economic recovery.